Smile, You're a Genius


Jasmine Beaver
Bachelor of Business in Psychology, Masters in Hypnotherapy, Master NLP Practitioner Advanced Diploma in Communication , Certification 4 in Early Childhood Education, Timeline, CBT Practitioner, Yoga Instructor, Meditation Coach, Train the Trainer Certified in teaching and qualifying future Hypnotherapists.

My mission is create a world full of smiles!

Do you ever recall a time where you were anxious, sad or angry whilst you were smiling or laughing? Is it possible to be negative and positive at the same time? Happy and angry? Disappointed and proud? Disheartened and excited? It’s amazing how these different emotions can play in our lives.

I grew up with a curiosity and fascination about the power of the mind, the connection to emotion, human behaviour and the body. The body does what the mind tells it. So, lets be powerful in our mindset! Lets be kind in what we tell ourselves! Lets create an abundant lifestyle! Get motivated to achieve you're financial and personal goals! You Deserve It! Let go of you’re limiting beliefs, your past story and work with me to live in you're “Genius State.”

A healthy dose of passion, inspiration, life experiences and a deep desire to assist people to change their lives for the better, I chose to be an expert in my field and Smile You’re A Genius was born!

Every person deserves to smile and I believe that every person has a ‘Genius State.’ I know with self education, personal growth and self awareness we can collectively create a ripple effect of happiness not only within ourselves but our family, friends and community. Imagine your community or a world that smiles more ? It’s all possible and it can all start with the Power of You!

Often, we see in today’s society that we can quickly become surrounded by fear, violence, status anxiety, negative habits, beliefs and social dependencies that can silently creep into your mindset. I will coach you techniques on how not to mirror these emotions that can effect the future generation and your daily life. By simply remodelling your mind, opening new pathways and taking control of your daily behaviours so you can easily live you're ultimate lifestyle.

My dedication to my life work and my clients is to help reveal their untapped Genius, which I call the ‘Genius State’. Acting from within my own Genius State I started a Restaurant and Bar at the age of 22 which I ran successfully for 15 years, alongside four businesses within different industries , public speaking and supporting start ups. I learnt that I could achieve success within my career life, love and family. My decision to step into personal development as a career has allowed me to deeply connect to my own individual needs and I am committed to researching and implementing solutions for you.

I want to share my knowledge and expertise with you. I tailor sessions for each individual using NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Hypnotherapy, CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy), Timeline, Future Visualisation, Kinesiology, Psychology, Deep Meditation and the important art of Breathing.

Within each session you will enhance your ability to better understand yourself, manage your daily stress, anxiety, eliminate self-sabotaging behaviours and habits. We stimulate the mind to create feelings of being relaxed, clear and motivated. You will be taught skills and methods to practice in your daily life and I will personally support you towards reaching your highest potential in performance at work, self-care and personal relationships.

I want to encourage you to let go of limiting beliefs and old patterns. and share with me you're ambitions and passions ,so that I can facilitate you in living your ‘Genius State.’ “Science has shown that smiling increases your health and happiness instantly and longterm – maybe even to the point of helping you live longer. There is magic in you're smile so don't be afraid to share it with others, and help change the World. “Always choose to be kind.”

What is the Genius State?

It's my definition of living in your optimum, living your life purpose, making decisions from you're subconscious mind and acting consciously. The ability to be vibrating in your Happiness and feeling proud of Yourself!


We operate around three core values:
Rapport, Simplicity, Ambition.

Successful people understand their mentality can affect their success. Studies have found that Positive Thinking opens up people to develop new skills and can have a rippling effect among happy people who repeat this process.
Eg- If you start a habit of swimming for pleasure and then move onto doing a triathlon, you’ll take that happiness to fuel learning to surf, play an instrument and so on. It ables you to push through you're doubts and create a strong confidence and self belief. Positive thinking have been showing to increase lifespan, lower depression, increase health, coping during stressful periods, and monetary gain. I can show you how!

Personal Consultations

These personlised 1:1 Consultation go for one and half hours dedicated to exploring your belief systems and remove blockages to tap into your inner genius through the power of hypnotherapy and deep meditation.

Specialist Areas Include:

  • Fears, Limits, Belief Systems that are ruling your life 
  • Addictions
  • Behavioural Patterns & Habits
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Public Speaking
  • Insomnia
  • Sport & Performance Excellence
  • Sabotage or Success - The Law of Attraction 
  • Depression
  • Anger Management
  • Grief & Loss
  • Health & Weight Loss
  • Hypno-Birthing
  • Self Confidence & Self Esteem
  • Relationships
  • Memory Enhancement - Study & Exams
  • The Itty Bitty Shitty Committee - Mind Chatter

Corporate Consultations

1:1 or group consultations tailored to organisations for staff to be the best version of themselves.

  • Maintain a positive mindset, achieve greater clarity  
  • Boost morale for increased performance, productivity and consistency
  • Lifetime tips and tools for managing stress and anxiety
  • Improve clarity, confidence, connection, collaboration and team building in the work place.

Group Hypnosis Classes

Come as you are with your yoga matt, pillow, blanket and be ready to leave with a smile. Led by a qualified facilitator these group classes are designed for individuals to experience the power of Hypnotherapy and deep meditation in their lives. Participants will be guided through hypnosis to change their mindset working on weekly topics such as:

  • Stress
  • Financial Abundance
  • Inner Peace & Happiness
  • Deep Meditation
  • Memory Enhancment - Study & Exams 
  • Anxiety
  • Self Worth, Self Confidence & Self Love
  • Breaking through fears, limits, habits and old behaviours that no longer serve us

General Consultation

Areas that can be addressed through general consultation:

  • Connecting with people
  • Values
  • Change belief systems to change reality
  • Bigger better happier life
  • Ripple effect
  • Timeline
  • Clearing negative thought systems
  • Hypnosis
  • Leading by demonstration

  Join the Movement - Become a qualified Hypnotherapist

Jasmine will be conducting Hypnotherapy Certification Courses from November 2018. Please stay tuned for dates and locations.

  Public Speaking

Hire Jasmine for public speaking with school arenas , corporate or events for and live stage hypnosis for fun, education, empowerment and enlightenment!

  Schools & University Package

The power of students incorporating hypnosis toward studies & exams , stress and workload

Vision & Mission


To create genius mindsets and a world full of smiles.

  • Be Coachable 
  • Be Consistent
  • Have Clarity
  • Create
  • = Cash Flow


For everyone to know their inner genius and guru within to live an authentic life comfortable and safe in their own skin and realise the unlimited power of the smile.

  • Passion
  • Purpose
  • Progress
  • Potential
  • Power
  • Peace
  • Prosperity



Get In Contact. Reach out to me with which services you are interested in and I'll tailor a quote for you.